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Showing posts from April, 2012

Is HR Becoming Home to Females?

Friends Great to be blogging again after almost 2 months!!! For all those who are employed somewhere, this article may have something to relate to. While I talk about my thoughts on the topic, this post actually is backed by more than 100 years of Human Resource experience! So, what comes to your mind when someone says HR? Here are some of the responses that I got from people working in other departments: - Lucky people! - Backbone of the company - Undoubtedly my biggest liability (ofcourse from a sales person at a senior level) - What HR? OK that department where some girls work? - It hires and fires people - It holds the company together and many more... But one common observation I had in most of my interactions was that they all thought HR has now become a profile for females only - which was a big shocker to me (being an HR Professional myself). Hence I decided to speak to some specialists around and take their opinions about the same. Mr. S.K.K. Warr